Oh What A Night!!!!

>> Saturday, April 17, 2010

Last night was the first time that I started getting sick from this pregnancy! We were in the middle of Wal-Mart and all of a sudden it hit me! I really did think I was going to throw up in the middle of the cereal aisle! Thankfully,we go home in time, but I was feeling sooo sick!!! Finally, about 10:30, I felt like I could go to sleep. Just then I heard Madeline crying in her room. She had been really whiny all night and kept waking up crying. Joe went in to check on her b/c I was feeling so bad, and there she was, covered in throw up!!!!
I helped Joe clean her up, feeling like I was going to throw up any second! Finally, she was all cleaned up and I was cuddling with her and trying to get her back to sleep, when all of a sudden I hear that all too familiar gagging. She threw up AGAIN, all over our bed and on the carpet! I'll spare you all the details, but all in all she threw up 5 times in an hour and half!!! And mind you, I'm still feeling like I'm going to throw up any second and the nausea is overwhelming me!! By midnight, we were all cleaned up AGAIN, and asleep! What a night!!!
However, before all this happened, we go some great news from my sister and her husband! THEY ARE PREGNANT!!!!! I am so excited for them! And, on top of that she is due around the same time as me!!!! She hasn't been to the Dr. yet, but everything is pointing to a due date on or around our due date! It will be so neat to have them so close in age! My family is already trying to figure out how they can be in two places at once, but hopefully one of us will go a little early or a little late so everyone can be there! It has been a pattern lately that when God blesses us with something it is all at once! What a blessing to not only have one baby, but TWO!! Everyone thinks that I will have a boy and Sarah ( my sis) will have a girl! We shall see!!! We both find out in July! Can't wait!!


Anonymous,  April 17, 2010 at 10:16 AM  

How not fun to have a sick baby and be feeling bad yourself! :( Hope you all feel better soon!! And that is so incredibly exciting that your sister is having a little one, too! How awesome!!

Anonymous,  April 18, 2010 at 7:33 PM  

Aw, Beth...boo on the sickness AND a sick baby. Sickness is a good thing, but a sick kid isn't! Yay for all the exciting news, though.

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