April 28th, 2009-6:42 am!

>> Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Madeline!!! Maybe it is my pregnancy hormones, but all I have wanted to do today is cry! Cry because my little baby girl is a year old!! I really cannot believe it! Last night Joe and I were getting ready for bed, and I said, "Hey, this time last year I was contracting and we were timing contractions and getting ready to go to the hospital!" Madeline was born at 6:42am ,and this morning she woke up right at 6:45! I think she knew it was her birthday! God has brought us through so much with Madeline. A threatened miscarriage at 10weeks, an undetected heartbeat at 12weeks, an emergency c-section b/c Maddy's heartrate dropped everytime I contracted ( her heartbeat got to 40bpm, should have been around 150), and a NICU stay where we had to leave the hospital without our baby! Through all of this God had His mercies upon her and protected her inside of me as well as when she came out! They got her out in time with no oxygen loss, she thrived in the NICU and only had to stay there a day later than when we had to leave. She had no problems at all and even gained 8oz in the hospital. Our Dr. said that NEVER happens, that usually babies loose weight in the hospital.

She is now so big and strong and I thank God everyday for giving her to us and showing us that we are nothing without Him! She went from a teeny tiny thing (5lbs 120z) to such a big girl whose belly gets bigger by the day! Some friends of ours just had a baby, and Madeline looked like such a giant next to the baby! It was hard for me to even remember her so small! Tonight we are having round 2 of her birthday celebration. Joe's parents are coming over for a birthday dinner and cake and ice-cream! I know a little girl who is going to be pretty excited that she gets to eat cake twice in a week!

Although I am sad that Madeline is growing up, I am also really excited to see what the next year brings from her! She has changed so much this past year and I can't wait to see her start talking more,walking, growing up and seeing her with her little brother or sister! Thankyou God for children...they are such a special gift!!


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