Instant Starbucks

>> Monday, April 12, 2010

So, this morning I woke up and realized WE WERE OUT OF COFFEE!!!!! I have been gone for about a week so I haven't done a grocery shop in a while, and if you know me, you know I can't get through my morning unless I have coffee! I was already in a bad mood b/c Joe is having to go back to Decatur to finish up his training seminar for three days. I was seriously thinking about going to the store just for coffee, but decided to try the instant coffee packets that I got from Starbucks forever ago. They were giving away free samples so I snagged a bunch.
I've never been a fan of instant coffee but decided I didn't have many options. It was soo good!!! It really tasted just like coffee you get freshly brewed at Starbucks. I told Joe how much I liked it and he told me that he has been tricking me with it for a while now. If I ever ask him to pick up some Starbucks for us, he just makes the instant and tells me he went to the store!!!! He is very tricky b/c he makes himself scarce for a while so I think he is really gone and then he puts it in my favorite mug and tells me he got it there!!! I WAS SHOCKED, but thought it was a little too funny to be that mad at him!!
So, now I know his tricks and I can officially say that I like instant coffee. It definetly beats paying $3 dollars for it!

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