Birthday Planning

>> Sunday, April 11, 2010

So, we are home again from a FABULOUS vacation with my family! Now, I am going full force on getting Madeline's birthday party underway! I can't believe that she will be 1 in two weeks! It really does feel like I just gave birth to her! She has changed so much in the last year it is crazy! We are having a pretty low-key party. Just family, but even that takes a lot of planning and preperation. Just with our families and her little cousins coming we still have about 15 people! It's going to be a party at the park with "Elmo" cupcakes which is her favorite character from Sesame Street! I am attempting to make them so we'll see how they come out!
I'm curious to see how she'll do with all the attention! She either loves it and is a total hambone( I wonder where she gets that), or she becomes really shy and clingy! We'll see though!

Now, that Madeline is almost 1, here is list of what is new with her!
-Her favorite thing is "Elmo", "Bunny Buns" ( her stuffed bunny) and her bottle!
-She will walk if you hold her hand but is too cautious to do it on her own!
-Her vocabulary is growing like crazy...most common words are; "Daddy", "Mama", "Ba Ba", "Bye-Bye", "Hey", "Yes", "No No", and "La La" ( When she is singing).
-Favorite foods are cheese, bananas, chicken and dumplings, strawberries, macaroni and cheese, and ice-cream.
-Most disliked foods are peas and carrots.
-Crawls everywhere including stairs and is into everything!
- Is a HUGE cuddler!
Well, thats about it! Since I'm going down memory lane I'm leaving you with a picture of me this time last year...due in about two weeks and awaiting our baby girl!


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