Hormone Supplements,Beef Strogonaff, and Baby Names

>> Monday, May 3, 2010

What a difference a few days has made! My last blog was about my progesterone levels being low in this pregnancy. I'm still worried about them but have been getting so much encouragment from friends who had the same problem or who are nurses and say everything will be fine! Of course those are only words, but they are really helping! Also, PRAYER has been a HUGE comfort! So many people have been lifting me and this little one up in prayer and it has really helped me feel a sense of peace! I get tested again Thurs, so please continue to keep me and our baby in your prayers!
On another note, I am on progesterone hormone supplements to get my levels up. Basically what they do is dramatize all your pregnancy symptoms. It has not been that much fun to have all your regular symptoms at so much of a higher level but I know it is a really good thing! It just means that I am tired out of my mind, more nauscious, STARVING, hot all the time, dizzy, going to the bathroom every 5 seconds, and well, the list continious!
Last night, I was starving as usual and really wanted Beef Strogonaff. It was so good if I do say so myself. I was finished with my entire plate and getting seconds before Joe had even eaten half of his! I think I even ate some of his that he couldn't finish! Then I was fast asleep at 8pm! Hopefully, I won't have to stay on these pills b/c if I do I'm sure I will gain 100lbs! I remember thinking when I was pregnant with Madeline that food never tasted as good as when you were pregnant! That is so true! Something about getting that craving satisfied is so wonderful! I have been craving everything...maybe they aren't even cravings but just being hungry. The only thing I don't really like is sandwiches for some reason..I don't know..they just look gross to me! Everything else though..bring it on!
Joe and I have a boy's name all picked out for this one, but are having problems agreeing on a girl's name! Whatever I like he doesn't, and whatever he likes I don't! Oh well, we find out in July so we have plenty of time, but it's always good to be prepared!
Thanks to everyone for your prayers...I really appreciate them and know that God is faithful all the time!!!


Anonymous,  May 3, 2010 at 5:23 PM  

Beef strogonaff?! Really girlfriend? That stuff is so nasty! I'm glad you're finally feeling a little better! Keep us updated! Love ya BR :)

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