Not a Happy Post

>> Thursday, May 20, 2010

Warning: This is not a happy post, but I am writing it so that as many people as possible can be praying for our little baby!
Yesterday, ( on my birthday no less), I started having some cramping and spotting again. My Dr. put me on bedrest for the day and wanted to do an ultrasound this morning. We went, and at first as always, it was so amazing to see our little baby. He or she was moving around like crazy and had a great heartbeat-so, we thought no worries, just a little spotting. After the ultrasound our Dr. asked to see us in his office. He said the baby was not growing like he wanted it to. The yoke sack wasn't growing, the placenta wasn't growing, and the baby had an abnormal count of chromosomes. He also mentioned that my progesterone levels had dropped again. He said a combination of these things means that miscarriage is very likely. In fact, he said there was a 90% chance of miscarriage or some abnormality to the baby if I did carry to term. He said he had seen women go on to deliver healthy babies who had these problems and that he wasn't ruling out that I may still carry to term and give birth to a healthy baby. He said we needed to come back in 10days for another ultrasound, and at that time we would either see a healthy baby with a healthy placenta and yoke sack or the baby would be dead and there would have been no growth from our last apointment.
So, here we are..waiting 10 DAYS!!! Joe and I are beside ourselves in worry and fear and I am feeling myself fall deeper and deeper into depression over this. Please,please pray that our next visit will go so well. That God will preserve this precious baby's life and we will carry to term. Please pray for peace and comfort as these will probably be the longest 10 days of my life. I just can't imagine not meeting this baby, not seeing him/her smile for the first time, not holding that baby for the first time! All I know to do is just pray..God is the master physician, not our Dr. and He can do a mighty healing in our baby!


Jamie and Joy George May 20, 2010 at 9:16 PM  

I'll definitely be praying for you and Joe and baby Davis. May His continual grace be sufficient. So sorry you have to go through this. JOY

Anonymous,  May 21, 2010 at 9:18 AM  

Beth, we're so sorry to hear about this. Rhett and I will be praying for your comfort and the healing and well-being of your precious little one.

--Val & Rhett

McKt May 21, 2010 at 6:22 PM  

Sweet Beth, praying for all of you.

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