9 Week Check Up

>> Friday, May 14, 2010

Yesterday was our nine week check up at the Dr's office! The good news is everything looks great with out little "peanute"..the bad news is, I gained 6lbs!!! My Dr. was not too happy about it, and told me that was a little above average for 9 weeks! I thought, "Whatever, I'm starving all the time and if I'm hungry, I'm going to eat!" I guess I could lay off some of those sweets though! LOL!

They tried to find the heartbeat with the doppler machine, but couldn't, so they did an ultrasound or as they called it a ( sneak a peak). They said the insurance company didn't even have to know about it b/c it was such a quick peak at the baby. On our next visit they are going to do a real ultrasound which will be covered by insurance then! We did get to see our little one though..even though it was kindof fuzzy, but there he or she was! It was so amazing! There is nothing like seeing that baby for the first time. It really does make everything seem so much more real! The baby looked so peaceful and we could really make out the head and body and feet. When they printed the picture it was really hard to see anything, but it was so amazing to see it so big on the monitor. The Dr. has this big flat screen on the wall so you can see everything from the ultrasound so much larger!

The baby's heartbeat was 189 bmp! It was really high! I definetly like to see an above average heartbeat than a below average heartbeat. They said it would probably even out and maybe even drop to the 170's by our next visit! All the old wives tales say a high heartbeat means a girl, but we shall see! Overall, it was such a great visit and I'm so glad the baby is looking so good...and I'm so glad we got to see the baby!! I'm really looking forward to our next visit b/c I know we will get a really clear picture of the baby, and then our next visit we will find out the sex!!! I'm so excited! I know I'm only 9 weeks, but this pregnancy seems like it is going by a lot faster than with Madeline! I'm not complaining at all though. B/c our picture was so fuzzy I am posting a picture of what our baby looks like at 9 weeks! Pretty neat!


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