Moms Are A Big Deal!

>> Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day to all mommies!!!! This is my second year to celebrate Mother's Day! Madeline came just in time for it last year..about 2 weeks before, so granted both Joe and I forgot it was Mother's day until the day actually came! This year, things are obviously a little more calmed down! Mother's day is such a great time to show our moms how much they mean to us! My mom is one of the most amazing ladies I have ever know. All she ever does is serve others, especially her husband and children. Having a baby (and being pregnant with another so close in age), really makes me appreciate my mom even more! I started realizing this weekend how much my mom and I have in common besides looking just like eachother!
My brother and sister are 18 months apart, and this new baby and Madeline will be 20 months apart! My mom had my sister, Sarah, when she was 23, and I had Madeline when I was 23! She had my brother when she was 25, and I will have this new baby at 25. My mom got married when she was 22, and I got married when I was 22. I met my husband at 19, and she met her husband at 19. The list goes on, but those are the main things that I thought were intersting
After going through labor, I remember I told my mom that I was sorry for anything I ever did to her, and just plain "thankyou" for going through all that pain to bring me into the world! She just laughed at me, but I was totally serious!!
Mommyhood is absolutely the most rewarding thing I have ever done! Even when I was so exhausted and could barely keep my eyes open when Madeline was a newborn, and was nursing around the clock and dealing with the pain of my c-section..or even now when I am so nauscious and feel like I'm going to throw up every morning but somehow manage to get through, and am trying to keep up with a 1 year old when all I want to do is go to sleep, I wouldn't trade a single thing! It is all worth it! Having children and being a mom really is one of my absolute joys in life! I'm leaving you with a picture of me and mom when I was about 4months old, and me and Madeline when she was 4months old! Happy Mother's Day!

Me and Mom-1985 Me and Maddy-2009


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