What's Been Going On!

>> Monday, May 17, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!! Well, not yet, but we celebrated it early b/c my birthday is on a Wednesday and it's kinda hard for us to do something special in the middle of the week! Joe took me out on a date, which we haven't done in about 6 months!! It's so hard to get it all together with Madeline and with me feeling the pits from being pregnant, but we planned about 2 weeks in advance and made it happen. I even prayed that I wouldn't get sick so we could enjoy the night! It was a blast! I forgot how much fun it is to hang out with my husband! We ate at "Brio's"! My absolute favorite restaurant! I ate more than Joe did, and it was soooo good! Let me tell you though, seeing everyone with their fine wine glasses made me want a glass of wine more than anything! That is one of the first things I am going to do after I have this baby...but of course it can only be a little bit b/c of nursing, so in reality it will probably be another year and half before I can enjoy a full glass of wine!!!
Anyways, after that we saw "Date Night"! It was soo funny! I think since we don't get out much it made it that much funnier, but I could not stop laughing! If you haven't seen it you should!! So, all in all it was a great night!
I took Maddy to her one year check-up today...we were a few weeks late, but whose counting!! She's almost 13months, but they didn't seem to care that much! She is still a little ballerina girl-20lbs 2oz and is 31inches long! 90% in height and 25% in weight. I think she is always going to be skinny! Well, sortof, she accumulates all her fat in her belly so she is fitting in 18-24 month pants. Her arms and legs are still so skinny, but that belly...whew! It is so big! The Dr. gave her a great report but said," No more bottles"! Did anyone else out there stop bottles at one year? He said since she has all her upper four teeth and all her lower four teeth, the bottles could do harm to her mouth! So, I guess we are laying off the bottles. I'm doing it slowly b/c she LOVES her bottles! I don't know what she is going to do if she says "Ba Ba" and I hand her a sippy cup! It's not going to be pretty!!
In other baby news, I am 10weeks pregnant now and the baby has officially graduated to a fetus!!! Yeah! I'm really starting to poke out more and more and blew the elastic in one of my pants the other day so now I am down to one pair of stretchy jeans and one pair of capris that are really too small. I have all my stuff for when I get really big, but not a whole lot for the first trimester! I really don't know what happend to my stuff from when I was pregnant with Madeline! I guess I wore it out and gave it away or something, b/c it is GONE! I really didn't have that much with her though either! So, that is what I will be doing soon....going maternity shopping! It's really fun to be doing this all again!! Joe asked me the other day if I was going to go natural with this one, and all I could think of was the pain from labor the first time! The memory has faded a little, but it is definetly not gone!! I don't know! My Dr. said he would let me try to go vaginal since Madeline was a C-section baby at the last minute ( I was at 9cm when they decided), but that nothing was definete. I think I could go natural more than I could do a C-section again, but that was hell on earth! We'll see!!
Well, thats about it! I'm getting ready to gear up to visit my family in South Carolina this weekend and through next week! Joe is having to go out of town for his job so I figured it would be a perfect time to go! They promised to make me salmon for my bday celebration there, so I couldn't pass that up!! It will be fun to get some pregnancy pictures with my sister and compare our bellies..even though they are still small!


Anonymous,  May 17, 2010 at 3:57 PM  

Oh, girl! Can't wait!! The hills and girls night!! WOOHOO!! :)

Ashley Davis May 17, 2010 at 7:53 PM  

for some reason, hearing that maddy's 20 lbs makes me feel better because jack's right at 20 lbs too. :)

The Davis Clan May 18, 2010 at 12:50 PM  

Really? He looks a lot bigger than that! How tall is he?

Jamie and Joy George May 20, 2010 at 8:41 AM  

Hey Beth,
I read in a book the other day a couple good suggestions...
1. put water in the bottle, when she realizes it's not milk, give her the sippy cup
2. put a little milk in the bottle, when she's done and is crying or asking for more, then hand her the sippy cup.

Breeson is turning 1 on Monday and I've already started phasing out the bottle. I've been all about giving him cow milk for quite some time, so I'm glad it's finally here. Just yesterday, we started giving him the sippy cup cold turkey. He was a little confused at first, but when he realized it was still his milk, he did okay.
Hope you find something that works!!

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