Trunk or Treat

>> Monday, November 1, 2010

Last night we took part in our second year of "Trunk or Treat" with our church!

It was a lot of fun and Maddy was so cute going to each car and collecting her candy! She LOVED the jungle gymn and kept running to go play in it! I think she went in and out about 4 times.

We really had so much fun! There was a chili cook-off and free hot dogs and drinks and a hilarious "Kid's Clubhouse" after all the trunking and treating was over!

Here's our FSU girl checking out her candy!!

And here's Maddy our first year going-she was a puppy-all 6 months of her!

In baby news..I am 34 weeks now! Flying! Although, at this point it's starting to drag on a little bit! My back is shot at this point...I think b/c he is so low, but hopefully that will make for a quick delivery!!
Nothing really new to report..just really getting ready for this little man to be here!


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