Scary Movie Fest

>> Friday, June 25, 2010

If you know me, you know I hate scary movies! I get scared so easily and can't sleep for nights on end, and to me it just isn't worth it. Well, for some reason, I have really been wanting to watch scary/suspensful movies lately! Who knows why, but Joe and I have been on a scary movie fest lately. Since I am constantly trying to think of ways to save money, we check out most of ours from the library. Can I just say DISSAPOINTMENT! The last two we got have been total let downs. Here's what we got:
"Shutter Island"-I thought this was going to be so good, but it really wasn't. The plot kept building up for what I thought was a very confusing ending which left a lot of unanswered questions in the movie. It was more of a "inner struggle" in Leonardo Dicaprio's head than anything else. If anyone has seen it and liked it, I would love to hear their opinion.
Second, we got "Vacancy". This is kindof an older movie but I thought it would be interesting. Nope. Exremely lame, very unrealisic, predictable, and just all around not that great. Joe and I were saying "oh brother" numerous times. The concept was good, but the details of it and the acting along with mere stupidity just made me loose interest quickly.
I am not one that likes to watch movies that are so scary and demented that you think "why am I am even watching this?" but, I do like movies that keep me on my toes. Neither one of these delivered.
So, there's my unprofessional movie review of two movies that left me wanting just a little more! I still say the scariest movie I have seen is the "Sixth Sense". I first saw it when I was 15 and haven't been able to watch it since. Joe makes fun of me all the time!


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