A Little Behind

>> Monday, June 7, 2010

I remember when I was pregnat with Madeline, I was so on top of things! Her entire nursery was picked out before I knew what I was having (of course I had a back-up incase it was a boy). Names were picked as soon as I found out I was pregnant. We took "belly" pictures all the time marking each week, read each week in our baby book to see how the baby was developing, knew exactly the size of the baby each week, journaled about cravings and pregnancy symptoms all the time, and was prepared for any question anyone might ask about the baby!
This time around, I have been so behind. Granted we didn't know for sure what was going to happen so I didn't want to get my hopes up and start planning things, but now that we know everything is fine, I am so behind! I blame it on already having one child to keep up with! The second pregnancy is not any less special than the first! In fact, I almost feel more excited about this one because I feel better prepared than I did with Madeline. Almost like I kinda know what I'm doing this time! It just seems time is my enemy and I don't have the time or the energy to get things moving!
Our "nursery" is still Joe's office with a few baby things in it. I haven't updated my pregnancy picture in almost 4 weeks! I can't believe it! And yesterday, I realized I didn't know the size of the baby for the week! I know...I'm a terrible mother!
I guess I really do have plenty of time to get things rolling! Joe and I decided our summer "project" would be to clean that room out for the baby! So, I'm sure all will be done before the baby comes!
On another note, I have been craving ANYTHING from Panera like none other! I've always loved Panera, but now I can't get enough!!! Wasn't really like that with Madeline. I just craved jalepeno and cheese sandwiches with her, so we'll see how long this craving lasts!


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