These Are A Few of My Favorite Things!
>> Friday, November 26, 2010
Christmas time is officially here!!! Yeah!!!
Christmas time is officially here!!! Yeah!!!
Ever seen that movie, "Elizabethtown"? It's one of my faves, about a son who comes to grips with his father's death. Although there is a very annoying Kirsten Dunst in it who attempts to have a Louisianian accent, I still love the movie!
One of the dad's favorite sayings while he was alive was,"If it wasn't this, it would be something else."
Sometimes life definetly feels like that!
Maddy burned her hand on my straightener about a week and a half ago! A HUGE blister formed, which of course popped before it's time, with a toddler who couldn't stop messing with it. I didn't really realize how bad it was until the blister popped. I took her to her pediatrician last Wed, to check it out b/c it wasn't getting better. He said she needed to go to the burn unit at Children's Hospital b/c it looked really bad to him.
So, we went, come to find out it was a second degree burn which caused some inmobility (sp?) with her thumb caused by scar tissue. The Dr. said with some massage exercises, complete mobility should return! Yeah..she was going to be ok!
We have to change her bandages once a day, which she does not like!!!
Thurs, she started getting sick and I noticed a lot of mucus in her eyes. Come to find out she somehow picked up pink-eye at the hospital, along with a bad cold! Aren't hospitals supposed to be where you go to get better??
So, now we are on eye-drops three times a day( which she also hates), plus she can't really go anywhere or be around people for 3-5 days. I am starting to get a little cabin fever..big time!! She's also on cold and fever meds, so hopefully that will clear up soon as well! I really feel so bad for her...she really is so pathetic when she is sick!
I have to admit, I am loving the cuddler she becomes when she's sick, but of course I HATE to see her like this!
So, between prescriptions, hospital visits and Dr's visits this week, I am super bummed that there is no extra money to finish up Gabriel's room! That was the goal this week! Oh well...I just have to be patient until next pay period I guess!!! It will probably be finished the week he is due, which I am fine long as it's ready before he comes!!!
It is NOT easy to take care of such a sick little girl at 8 and a half months pregnant!! Thankfully, I have been doing well...just tired and continued back pain! So, it definelty feels like, "If it wasn't this, it would be something else" around here for sure!!!
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