Two Little Pumpkins

>> Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Last weekend finished out our month of traveling! Thank goodness! We are now officially home for a weekend! We traveled to South Carolina last weekend for my sister,Sarah's,baby shower! Remember...we are due the exact same day!
My younger sister, Aly, and I hosted it! Let me just say, hosting a baby shower almost 8 months pregnant is not as easy as I thought! Thankfully, we helped eachother out and pulled off a great shower, if I do say so myself!
We had so much fun and Sarah got so much great stuff including diapers galore, which I have to confess, I'm a little jealous of!
Here's a picture of us girls feeling baby "Brie" moving!
It's really hitting me that we are about to have two little pumpkins in the family soon! 9 months of pregnancy feels like the baby is never going to come sometimes! This pregnancy is flying for me, but at times it does seem a little sereal!

I am now 31 weeks pregnant. The joke in the family is who is going to deliver first-Sarah or me! For Gabriel's sake, I hope Sarah, since she is way ahead of the game than I am. Her nursery is completly done and looks adorable!!! Ours is getting there, but with one income, it seems like things are slow coming! We have used a TON of stuff from Maddy, but a lot of it was jut a little too girly to make work for a boy. Plus the fact that she's still in a crib made buying another crib a must!

We are really hoping to go back to SC for Thanksgiving...the final trip before Gabriel is born, but we will see! I will be almost 38 weeks and that might be a little risky! I go to the Dr next week, and we'll get a final answer from him then on whether or not he thinks it's a good idea!

Really hope we can though! It's hard not having your family around especially when your expecting another little one! We somehow make it work though!!


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