Two Little Ones

>> Sunday, February 6, 2011

Here's our happy boy!!!

Wow! Life is crazy...but so wonderful!
Having two under two at home is a lot crazier than I expected! I love it and find myself just smiling or getting excited for no reason other than to be home with them. I just started a part-time job, and honestly the hardest part is leaving my babies!
Gabriel is sleeping on average, a solid four hours at night, and then is up about every two hours after that. Madeline is in her "big girl" bed now, and has been getting up around 6:30 every morning, so that has made life very tiring!
I know once Gabe really sleeps through the night, things will be a lot better in the tiredness department.
It's definetly an adjustment to go from one at home,to two! Especially two under two!
My sister and brother are 17 months apart, and my mom and dad waited 4 years before they had me! I think they had the right idea!
Our life is our kids now, and basically my day is just taking care of them and attempting to do laundry or clean up a little. Before I know it, its dinner time and Joe is home!
I feel like I'm on more of a schedule now, but at this point cannot even imagine adding another into the mix!
We go through about 30 plus diapers a week. I am still working on potty training with Maddy, but since Gabe has been born, she has been less than interested!
I'm still breastfeeding and plan on it as long as I can! I nursed Maddy until she was 10 months, and want to at least do the same with Gabe.
I have been very blessed in that department. Both were and are excellent nursers, and my milk supply has always been in plethera! The only down size is having HUGE you know whats!!
Maddy has really taken to Gabe now, and the big thing is making sure she is isn't squishing him with her hugs and kisses. I can't wait until they get a little older and start playing together!
Gabe loves to smile and is one of the happiest babies I've ever seen-except when he's hungry! He eats every two hours! Very exhausting, but I'm used to it now! Maddy is really starting to talk in sentences now, which I love! She will be two in two months and I can't believe it! Gabe is already 10 weeks!
How time flies!!


Audra April 16, 2011 at 10:35 AM  

Beth, I hope you guys are doing well! Gabe is precious and I know your little ones are keeping you super busy. :) Hope the family is doing well too . . . please give everyone my love!

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